All data from Meet je stad is made available as open data.
Using the data or interpretations thereof is at ones own risk.
For more information, read the licenses for the database and its content.

1. Choose data type

Measurements Observations Stories

2. Apply filter (optional)

Period from to
Sensor(s) enter one or more ids...

3. Download data or generate map

Data Use comma as decimal separator

Direct query

You can query the database directly using the following query (GET request):


The server will offer a file for download containing the Meet je Stad data.

The format attribute selects how to pack the data.
  1. Use csv if you want to have a tab separated file for easy import in a spreadsheet or statistics tool.
  2. Using json is convenient if you want to further process the data in a programming language, e.g. Python, PHP or Javascript.
  3. sql can be used if you want to help develop the website and need a local dataset to query.
The type attribute defines which kind of data to download:
  1. sensors selects measurements done by the Meet je Stad sensor stations
  2. flora selects flora observations put in through the website
  3. stories selects the stories database. Please note that CSV export is not possible for stories.
The limit attribute defines the number of rows to return. Setting it to ALL will return all data. Be careful though not to download more data than needed to prevent excessive server load.

Time series
Data can be narrowed down to a number of nodes and a specific time window by adding begin and end attributes to the query, denoted as yyyy-mm-dd,hh:mm. E.g. begin=2017-11-16,12:00 will return data beginning 16th of November 2017 at noon. Times are specified in the UTC timezone.

Sensor sets
When sensordata is queried the ids attribute can be used to get data of a single node or a set of nodes. A comma separates the node numbers. A minus symbol can be used to get a range. E.g. ids=1,3-5,8 will return data for the nodes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8.

Get latest measurement for a single node as a json record

Download a two day time series for a single node as a csv table

Download a data to create a heat map for a certain set of sensors

Source code
The source code for this page can be found on Github.